The picturesque seaside town of Swakopmund in Namibia will be the venue of the 5th Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation Summit 2023 from 31 May to 2 June. In addition to offering an opportunity where young people can learn how to develop their small businesses in the tourism industry, the summit is also a showcase for the tourism industry in Namibia.
The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism in Namibia, in collaboration with UNWTO and BDO, is hosting the 5th Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation Summit 2023. The goal is to provide a transformative platform for African youth, start-ups, entrepreneurs, students and small enterprises for income generation and career development.
The day before the summit starts, 30 May 2023, a master class targeted at the youth, SMEs, start-ups and any interested delegates and stakeholders will be held at the MTC Dome Hotel in Swakopmund. The master class aims to empower all delegates with practical skills in social media marketing, business planning and investment pitching to potential investors. Certificates of completion will be issued to all participants.
Mentorship of the Innovation Challenge finalists has already commenced. The mentors are assisting the mentees to get their projects ready for presentation at the Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation Summit. The top three finalists will be announced on the last day of the summit.

SAA has partnered with the event and is offering discounted flights to Windhoek for this event. Transfers to Swakopmund are organised and will be free of charge.
Namibian showcase
Building up to the success of the Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation Summit 2022, this year’s Summit is set to host 350 physical delegates and over 1500 online participants from across the world. As the world meets in Namibia, it will not only be work – there will be enough time for leisure as well. Various activities, including a dolphin cruise, a sunset cruise, cultural tours and the Doon 7 experience have been lined up for the pleasure of the visitors.
Another major highlight is the hosted buyer program that will run concurrently with the summit. Hosted buyers will have access to informal networking events, including the Investment Business in Tourism networking meetings organised by the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) and B2B sessions. This is an exciting opportunity for buyers from across the globe to network with the industry’s key decision makers and stakeholders. They will be able to see the continents’ leisure tourism options and negotiate the best deals on products and services under one roof. Meetings with exhibitors will be facilitated by a matchmaking system.

Registration can be done online at For more information about the summit, exhibition, partnerships, sponsorships and registration, please contact Ms. Rejoice Chishamba at: or +27 (0) 11 318 1741/+27 (0) 81 303 7030.