Round of applause for AAXO | The Planner

conrad KullmannThe Association of African Exhibition Organisers – AAXO – is basking in the loud applause that marked its open meeting held in Johannesburg earlier this month (February 2016).


Formed by a baker’s dozen that turned its backs on EXSA (Exhibition Association of Southern Africa) last year citing that that organisation was ‘very supplier-led’ and didn’t ‘serve the best interests of the organisers’, AAXO at the meeting lived up to its launch claim that it would be the ‘powerful and cohesive voice that speaks on behalf of exhibition organisers specifically’.


According to 3D Group Sales & Marketing Director and meeting attendee, Conrad Kullmann, the AAXO get together painted a cohesive picture of what the industry was worth as a whole – some R76-billion a year, broke this down by sector and then highlighted how AAXO intended protecting this value and halting the slide it has seen in recent years.


Key to AAXO’s approach will be an education campaign to demonstrate to exhibitors how they can maximise their return on investment in exhibitions. AAXO also plans to promote the industry to various target audiences, and has developed a campaign to do so.“Of course, only time will tell if AAXO’s success matches its ambitions,” Kullmann said “but, after the stale wind that has been EXSA for the past few years, AAXO is a breath of fresh air, and must be congratulated and applauded for its actions to date.”


Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, MMI South Africa, Hypenica, Thebe Reed Exhibitions, Spintelligent, Terrapinn, The Wedding Group, SA Confex Services, TE Trade Events, Exposure Marketing, LTE and Synergy Business Events were the 13 founding companies of AAXO.The organisation’s official media release said it would focus on the unique challenges facing organisers such as prioritising market research and trend tracking in order to drive the constant innovation needed to keep the South African exhibition sector flourishing and profitable.