MICE News | The Planner - Part 47


EGF 2016 conference

We are officially only a few daysΒ away from The Event Greening Forum 2016 Conference, taking place at Hackle Brooke Conference Centre. About the Conference The fourth Event Greening Forum (EGF) Conference will be addressed by sustainability experts...

The might of MICE confirmed

As if there was could be any doubt, the big and easy financial pickings fuelled by the MICE industry confirms conclusively how (venues, catering, entertainment, rentals and the like) without even taking account of travel, tours, accommodation and...

Sigal Geva: a woman to watch

Award-winning, independent hospitality company, Premier Hotels & Resorts, has recently appointed Mrs Sigal Geva as its Chief Operating Officer. On her appointment, Geva says: β€œIt’s incredible to be announced as a COO in a very male-dominated...
CedarWoods of Sandton conference

MICE is a four letter word

It appears the industry is – once more – regurgitating the well-worn question: Should the industry – collectively – be called business events or MICE? Business events are focused on the prime requirements of business tourism. In other...