Helen Brewer | Feb 18, 2014
‘Not another talk shop’ is the plaintive cry of many an attendee who has had to endure hours of listening with no meaningful outcome from their specific perspective. It’s time and money spent for all the questionable reasons of being there in the...
Helen Brewer | Feb 18, 2014
All Pre-Test Reading in Effective PDF Format Digi-mag works for some yet with the amount of subscriber requests, all reading is in colourful type-set pictorial pdf format. Better to read….better to absorb for the CPD tests. Academy Website...
Helen Brewer | Feb 10, 2014
The Event Greening Forum (EGF) has lined-up some top drawer green experts. With the keynote address being Les Carlisle –Group Conservation Manager of &Beyond. This dedicated individual will give us a real wake-up call by posing the question...
admin | Feb 9, 2014
admin | Feb 7, 2014
For the last 11 months Tsogo Sun’s Drakensberg Sun Resort in KwaZulu-Natal has undergone an extensive refurbishments. “The rejuvenated public spaces promises comfort and style to match the warmth and elegance of the resort,” says Darron Moore, gm...
Helen Brewer | Jan 29, 2014
If meeting planners needed the ultimate occasion to discover all there is to know about green MICE, the Event Greening Forum’s conference on Monday 24th February during Meetings Africa at the Sandton Convention Centre is a ‘must attend’ morning....
Helen Brewer | Jan 16, 2014
The MICE industry knows when they are on to a good thing. And certainly the Academy’s CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Programme is proving to be a winner with knowledgeable and experienced event planners. As planners are discovering –...
Helen Brewer | Jan 9, 2014
For the first time in Africa and perhaps internationally – South African event planners with a whole range of designations and responsibilities can look forward to recognition and rewards for their hard-earned planning knowledge. CPD (Continuing...
Helen Brewer | Dec 11, 2013
Every aspect of MICE planning revolves around pre-preparation. Certainly we need to include the ‘what if’ principle in case of the unexpected. December 2013 has had momentous happenings which for both planner and venue plus other additional...
Helen Brewer | Dec 5, 2013
Every MICE venue with and without accommodation has major highlights for specific types of buyers (end-users). Clients of MICE venues vary in their requirements and search on a constant basis to find what is ‘out there’ dependent on the capacity...
Helen Brewer | Dec 5, 2013
Whatever you build – make sure it is on a strong foundation. The same applies to a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) programme especially within the MICE industry. Starting at the very beginning, the Academy has studied the Policy on the...
Helen Brewer | Nov 28, 2013
South Africa is annually increasing it’s share of superstars to our shores. The list of names and groups are impressive. In 2013 the likes of Cirque du Soleil, John Cleese, Red Hot Chili Peppers and the heart-throb Justin Bieber graced many of our...