Prominent prom gifts recognise MICE CPD | The Planner

The make-up of any MICE undertaking consists of an array of suppliers and services. Within the corporate and association markets in particular, the insatiable appetite for promotional gifts is never-ending. From wallets and folders to memory sticks and iPads you name it an enthusiastic promotional gift company can find a way to brand and supply the item.

ZD Marketing is one such prom. gift company that not only goes much further in satisfying client needs, but wants to be seen in raising the MICE standards too.

ZD Marketing has signed-up as a co-brander for the Professional Profile ring-binder as well as the MICE Spec. Guide. Both these ring-binders will be focused on the most essential part of professionalism, which is raising a clients knowledge through the authentic acquiring of CPD (Continuing Professional Development).

The 3SMedia CPD symbol will be the identity to watch-out for with an array of breakfast sessions and MICE Focus Groups scheduled well into 2013.

Commented ZD Marketing, Prom gift companies have to operate with a variety of uninformed clients in regard to not only timelines but also what is possible within a diverse type of requests. ZD Marketing has probably the shortest lead times and with effective CPD sessions, clients will realize just how much more is possible in range and variety. Identifying with MICE CPD can only prove beneficial and we welcome being co-branded in such an innovative and highly visible process

With the CMP programme legacy established in South Africa – allowing the MICE buyers a form of MICE supplier reference check the MICE Academy can grow professional profiles for a variety of professional programmes in a number of industry sectors.