A new era dawns for MICE practitioners | The Planner

Never before in the history of mankind have so many known so much. Whether via the internet, in-house or public presentations, the variety of information available, here, there & everywhere, is mind-boggling. HR Futures Alan Hosking put it in a nutshell How exactly has all of this knowledge benefited us, if at all? Heres the thing- knowing is not enough. Knowledge only benefits us if we act on it or apply it.
In the MICE industry the individual practitioner has a challenge in obtaining up-to-date knowledge which will enhance their particular gatherings. The majority of planners/organizers are either desk bound, on-site or in event strategy meetings. 2013 is the time to plan to make the time.
Gaining the knowledge on a variety of MICE subjects is one challenge, ensuring a credible portfolio of knowledge and up-to-date information is even more important. Authentic proof of knowledge update is essential for career advancement and more importantly improved MICE undertakings.
Lest we forget – planners and organizers of every kind of gathering whether conceptual or logistical are tasked with a formidable responsibility. Bottom-line budgets are high and the return-on-investment in the desired outcomes is being scrutinized ever more closely, especially in the current economic climate.
The Academy will change the status quo with a series of short-sharp MICE Focus Groups throughout 2013 commencing in January with the next in February designed specifically for the hard-pressed planner. CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is the name of the game for all MICE Practitioners starting in 2013.
To launch on Friday the 25th January at the prestigious Gallagher in Midrand, MICE practitioners will gain immense knowledge from Creative Lighting Methods to Enhance Your MICE Theme, Brand & Message
The presenters Gerda & Philip Kruger have extensive international knowledge and are regarded as experts in their field, will take participants through their paces with interactive examples of a wide variety of differing lighting enhancements for varying types of MICE gatherings such as conferences, banquets, launches, entertainment, exhibitions and the like
On Friday 22nd February a hard-hitting MICE Corporate Spend including Planning & Organizing Charge Structures is likely to keep participants riveted to their seats.
All MICE Focus Groups include certification for each participating MICE practitioner in order to grow their Professional Profile Portfolio and record their knowledge up-date for career enhancement and proof thereof which has been authentically captured going forward.