MICE Industry to gain effective credits | The Planner

Just as accountants, lawyers, doctors have to keep up-to-date with developments within their sphere of professionalism the same has been recognised for marketing, PR,risk management, hospitality and the like. The MICE industry has lagged behind in ensuring ongoing, up-dated knowledge improvement for all sectors of MICE individuals. Its long-overdue that an authentic yet simple process is made available to the MICE industry across the board.

Starting in late January the Academy will hold the inaugural MICE Focus Group which will set-the-scene for the regular Focus Groups.

Many MICE individuals do attend an array of great sessions, summits, conferences. Most participants do not unfortunately receive even an attendance certificate. Commented an Academy spokesperson. Although essentially attendance certificates do not mean very much when it comes to effective knowledge transfer. Authentic compliance certification is paramount for ensuring improved MICE gatherings no matter the type or capacity.

The corporate market undertakes about 65% of all MICE gatherings in South Africa the other 35% is shared between association and government-funded undertakings. Corporate companies are looking seriously at the monitoring and substantiation of ROI (Return on Investment) for their myriad of MICE projects.

Event teams can gain from regular, updated knowledge transfer together with the recording and recognition that goes with assessing what can be implemented within MICE assignments.
The first MICE Focus Group will discuss cost-effective lighting an often last thought or production tag-on item.

International lighting experts Philip Kruger Consulting will take us through our paces in a simple yet practical manner of good and not-so-good lighting. This session is a must for all who wish to enhance their MICE assignments while at the same time being cost effective within budget constraints.

Diarise Friday 25th January 08h30 to 12h30 at Gallagher. Full programme and registration details can be found on www.miceacademy.co.za. Both compliance and attendance certificates will be issued for this hard-hitting CPD (Continuing Professional Development) session.