MICE individual credibility system established | The Planner

An authentic method of ensuring experienced and knowledgeable MICE individuals from all sectors – receive certification that will be accepted by either management or clients has proven as a workable, swift and simple system. This CPD (Continuing Professional Development) system was established at the 25th January Focus Group.

The process urged participants to think-through what they are hearing from a series of expert industry presenters. Once the inputs were completed the participants undertook a question and multi-choice answer test. The questions were posed by the presenters and a scoring mechanism took place immediately following the test.

Additional to the simple confidential test was an outcomes-based statement of how each participant would take the knowledge gained a progressive step further in the future.

The outcomes-based statements will form the basis of the compliance certificate awarded to 75% of the January participants. Those that did not reach the required pass rate will receive an attendance certificate.

The next MICE Focus Group takes place on Friday 22nd February and is a Miscellany of MICE Updates. 4 presenters will detail – from their specific industry perspective how participants MICE undertakings can be enhanced through utilising various services and suppliers more effectively.

Jessica McEndoo representing Experience-it! will start the proceedings with online meetings opportunities for those participants that are unable to attend a MICE undertaking. This will be followed by KJM Projects Kevin McKee on using and maintaining your website as more than just a brochure under glass. Event Greening Forums Justin Hawes will start participants on the right path to a green check-list. Paul McConnon from the dynamic Unique Speaker Bureau concludes the morning session with the importance of an effective professional speaker selection process to ensure a lasting positive memory for all MICE events.

Testing on the inputs commences immediately thereafter.

The outstanding Gallagher Convention Centre facilities in Midrand is the venue for the 22nd February MICE Focus Group.

This is a further opportunity to gain credits while accumulating greater knowledge. Email info@miceacademy.co.za or register by calling 011 3264000.