Green MICE, red hot | The Planner

All things green dominated the 14th May Greening Workshop supported by the Event Greening Forum. A good turnout proved the importance that event greening is becoming a continuously growing requirement of interest and implementation.

Venues and suppliers crowded-in to get some hard-hitting advise and tips on aspects that would make their venues and events stand-out from the rest, through simple yet assured green methods.

The workshop was an eye-opener in a number of environmentally acceptable pointers. Below are some of the highlights from an information-packed four hours:

Catering & Types of Fish

* Kingklip (Orange) is a valuable by-catch of the hake trawl and long-line fisheries. It is currently overexploited.

* Yellowfin (Green) tuna is caught using the pole-fishing method and stocks are healthy, with no by-catch issues.

* Hake (Green) is mostly caught by bottom trawlers. The stock is strictly managed. Trawling does cause seafloor damage though hake is mostly trawled on a non-rock bottom.

* Bream, stumpnose, rock lobster (red) Fished-out and highly endangered.

* Green fish symbol denotes – Fish are from relatively healthy & well-managed populations
Orange fish symbol denotes – Fish may be legally sold by registered retailers
Red fish symbol denotes – Fish by law may not be bought or sold


Décor & Table Displays

* Dry driftwood in colourful glass with strategic lighting is popular replaces hot-house and most grown flowers;

* Aloes also form an excellent décor accompaniment and are replanted after use;

* Lanterns & lamps using plastic milk and bleach containers – cut into different shapes – are starting to appear in various design formats;


Facilities &Visual Greening Efforts

* Baobab tree replicas at registration for hanging lanyards with plastic badge holders onto tree branches;

* Covered jugs of water with ice and slices of fruit replace plastic bottles of water;


The MICE Academy assessed the day’s session at 4 credit points. The credits will form the basis of authentic certificates for the 95% who completed the confidential application form which were submitted to the Academy for processing.

The certificates will provide the participating individuals with proof of their knowledge update in this vital subject going forward.