Africa business travel industry launches buyer exercise | The Planner

The African Business Travel Association (ABTA) and Severnside Consulting Ltd (SSC) today announced the commencement of the Neema Research  buyer benchmarking exercise.  Phase one of the buyer benchmarking is to identify key Travel Buyers in the region who will contribute, confidentially, by participating in an interview addressing how they manage corporate travel.

The benchmarking exercise, which constitutes a large part of the Neema Africa Travel research paper, will see travel buyers from across Sub Saharan Africa contribute their experiences which will be used to identify trends, challenges and opportunities of managing travel in this complex region. As well as contributing to this research which will be published in October 2014, Travel Buyers will also receive anonymised results from other contributors for each benchmark question, allowing them to identify areas where their travel program excels, as well as highlighting opportunities for development and improvement.

Chris Pouney, Severnside Consulting says, “Having been a travel manager myself for a good part of my career, I understood how critical it was to be able to benchmark my approach to managing travel with my peers. I found that this was a critical part of setting my goals and managing expectations within my organisation. But this is a difficult task for many travel managers. This benchmarking exercise does this work for them with minimal input, whilst contributing to a critical piece of research.”

ABTA Founder Monique Swart says, “This represents an opportunity for those involved in buying or managing travel to contribute to this unique piece of research which will help further develop our industry in this region. In return, contributors gain access to pertinent information on how their peers are dealing with similar trends and challenges within the African business travel environment.”

The research is aimed at companies with significant business travel spend (US$500K+)  from or within Sub Saharan Africa, and interviews will be conducted between March and April with Travel Co-ordinators, Travel Managers, Procurement Heads or Senior Travel Buyers based across the region. Interviews will be conducted either face to face or over the phone and each interview will be scheduled for up to two hours.

More information :
ABTA: Monique Swart, Founder
South Africa : +27 (o)11  888 8178 +27 (0)83 679 211

Severnside Consulting Ltd: Chris Pouney, Director Business Travel
UK: +44 (0) 1299 488003  +44 (0)7977 464449