Site renames itself | The Planner

The Society of Incentive Travel Executives (Site) board of directors has made a strategic decision to rename the association – the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence. This change reflects the feedback and input received from surveys and focus groups with Site members around the world.

The new name, new tagline, and refreshed values better illustrate the Site philosophy and value proposition.

Site’s values have changed very little – mostly in how Site expresses them: connections, creativity and trust results. The changes to the Site word mark may appear subtle, but are rooted in a powerful purpose.

“What unites you with other Site members is that you work in the incentive travel industry. To help represent you better, the ‘i’ and ‘t’ have been raised up because incentive travel works and it is important that Site more clearly communicate what unites our members,” says Paul Miller, Site president 2014.

He adds, “This is a very exciting and important moment in our society’s history, where every aspect of what we do is being questioned and scrutinised by the board of directors as we implement the first year of our strategic plan. We have listened to the membership and will continue to react to the changes and demands of our industry, as well as member expectations. These subtle, but necessary changes, pave the way to building a more robust global community which will help us all achieve our goals and aspirations.”

“The new Site tagline is Incentive travel. Business results. You will see this message displayed prominently on our website. Incentive travel is the work you do; business results are what you and your clients are achieving through this powerful tool. It also became clear that there was brand confusion between Site and the Site International Foundation. Both the Site board of directors and the foundation trustees took this feedback seriously and made a joint decision that Site is an umbrella brand for everything we do, including research, education, fundraising and advocacy.

“You will continue to see reference to the Site Foundation (the word “International” has been removed because Site is already a global brand), particularly as it relates to the critical roles that our trustees carry out. However, it will not be a separate brand”.

Kurt Paben, Site Foundation president, 2014, says, “The Foundation trustees are fully aligned with the Site board of directors on these subtle, but powerful changes to our branding and communication approach. The Foundation is committed to enhancing the awareness and effectiveness of motivational experiences and incentive travel. The Site Foundation’s primary goal remains to develop fundraising initiatives to facilitate research, trend analysis and educational programme support for the incentive travel professional.”