EXSA to adopt the new MOI | The Planner

Notice of the extraordinary general meeting for EXSA to adopt the new MOI as required by the Companies Act on Wednesday, 13 August at 3.30pm for 4pm at the Sandton Convention Centre.

Special guest Justin Cohen from the USB Speakers Bureau speaking on The Power of Connection.

They say that some 80% of business depends on our social skills.  In this high tech world relationships count more than ever. Whether it is with your clients and sales or your staff/team come and learn how to build long-lasting AND profitable relationships.

Followed by networking cocktail party.

Please RSVP to EXSA on 011 805 7272 or info@exsa.co.za by no later than Friday 8 August 2014

Click here to download the new MOI as approved by the EXSA Board.