The three essentials your guests expect from you | The Planner

In order to avoid a poorly-organised or disappointing event, take a look at these three basics your guests expect from you:

Elements of hospitality such as light snacks or biscuits always elevate the spirits of a crowd. Even though this is not necessary, it is absolutely vital to provide water, as well as a meal if your delegates will be at the event over lunch and dinner. Do not expect your delegates to pay for their own meal when they have to attend an all-day event and are required to be at the top of their game.
How it benefits you: This gesture does not go unnoticed and is appreciated by your guests, ultimately adding to their overall impression of the event.

We live in the day and age where WiFi access has become part of our basic needs along with food and water. Seeing as the majority of venues provide either free WiFi or include it at a very reasonable price, you make yourself come across as cheap when you don’t provide WiFi to your guests.
How it benefits you: Delegates are more likely to interact with each other on social media and media members are able to cover your event more comprehensively.

Conference-talk-e1338522223107-300x294CONCISE INFORMATION
Regardless of the nature of your event, you will lose the attention and interest of your guests if they are subjected to either unnecessary long talks or presentations that are too repetitive. Make sure that the information being delivered is clear and to the point.
How it benefits you: Co-ordinating your content and how it is delivered will ultimately save you time and ensure that your delegates walk away with the information you wanted to share.