10 Things to consider when choosing the perfect event app (PART 1) | The Planner

Many meeting professionals are abandoning the printed program guide in favour of mobile apps to inspire and communicate with attendees at their events. But with so many options available, choosing a mobile app for conferences and events can be tricky: without a clearly defined set of requirements, you may be led astray.

Here are 10 things Lumi says one should consider when choosing the perfect mobile event app:


  • What value do you place on brand marketing and positioning of your brand at your events?
  • Do you consider branding a way to position yourself at events as a thought leader, innovator and trusted content provider?
  • To what extent can you embrace the capabilities on mobile devices to position your brand – including multimedia, rich colour, transitions and animation capabilities?


  • Can you quickly and easily scale to deliver apps for multiple events?
  • If you host a lot of events, do you need to create a separate app for each event or can you create a single app for your organization that contains multiple event apps?
  • If a single app is available for all of your events, is each individual event simply a replica of the same app or can you create unique apps with completely different functionality and user-experience?
  • How is the mobile app content management system designed to make managing multiple events easy and efficient?


  • Can you monitor what is happening at your events in real-time so you can adapt on-the-fly?
  • How deep can you drill-down on analytics for app usage? Is a report available showing detailed app usage, such as the most popular event activities and what attendees are planning in their schedules?
  • What kind of insight do you need to make your next event better?


  • Can you build your own app or does the vendor build everything for you?
  • Does the content management system make it easy to load your data and manage all of your events?
  • How long does it take to truly master the content management system?


  • Is the mobile app designed to share relevant information with attendees based on their personal profiles?
  • Can you allow attendees to personalize their preferences to view preferred content?
  • How much control can attendees have over sharing of their personal information?

(PART 2)