Final steps toward the Professional Planner Standards | The Planner

A purposely-designed limited attendance from the second Event Summit will gather on Friday 29 January at Hackle Brooke Convention Centre to debate and agree on the fundamental steps before the Professional Planner Standards begins to take shape. This will be the first Focused Consensus Conversation.

Following a breakfast, the programme will commence with The MICE Academy providing the introduction together with the progress to date coupled with the fundamental foundation inherent in all industry standards.

An SA Board of People Practices presenter will dispel a number of myths in the setting-up of an industry standard followed thereafter by the importance of all event practitioners to ensure continuing education is in place.

CPD  is an essential part of all experienced skilled individuals to ensure updated information is a part of their ongoing portfolio of evidence.

The MICE Academy is in the process of discussing with the security industry – the simple methods in which all planners should include a security check irrespective of the capacity or type of event.

SASSREA is the event industry’s legally-binding process albeit for large events primarily within stadia in which more than one thousand gather.

The law remains – in that planners must be cognisant of their obligations whether independent, corporate, association and/or public sector gathering.

To obtain the full details for the second Consensus Conversation scheduled for Friday 1 April email