Inexperienced planners continue to challenge industry | The Planner

The MICE industry is growing despite our current economic conditions.

Rough waters will inevitably point more towards discussions and hence more meetings of one type of another around the MICE industry.

Observant venue suppliers and concerned end-user buyers have voiced the ongoing vexing problem of inexperienced planners.

It appears so easy to profess to be an able and qualified event organiser, yet the preponderance of not being able to prudently guide your client into not only the finer details of event management but also in to decisions which could lead to out and out disaster is of major concern.

Merely following what one is told to do is tantamount to being an office worker purely taking direction and following instructions according to the dictates of a superior.

Event management does not constitute blindly taking orders given by the client. Essentially meeting and event planning, is a position of providing ongoing assertive assistance, being one step ahead and having a coherent understanding of the appropriate vision of the client, but also the inherent consequences of your decisions.

In a MICE Planner tweet a most apt quote reminds us all that: โ€˜Event planning takes courage – all our human vulnerabilities are on displayโ€™

It also takes a great deal of money to launch in to this realm and can cause much embarrassment and negative feedback if it is left to those who should not venture into unchartered waters.