5 ways to improve meetings | The Planner

Here are some suggestions that could improve the effectiveness of business meetings and events.

1. Begin with a purpose
The opening five to seven minutes in any meeting is the most important component to conducting more effective meetings. It sets the foundation, establishes the parameters, organizes the terms of reference and tells everybody in the room why they are there, for how long, and what they need to accomplish.

2. Try Tuesday
Tuesday has seen to be the most productive day of the week. Most people are over the weekend and ready to deliver .

3. Meet at 10am
If you want people to attend why not set up a meeting or event on a Tuesday at 10am. This works best as people are not yet tired neither is it too early.

4. Schedule the meeting for the half the time you originally intended to
Meetings stretch naturally to fill the allotted space. Try two-hour meetings at one hour, one hour meetings at 30 minutes, and 30 minute meetings at 15. My strong suspicion is they’ll work out fine.

5. Change the stimulus
Time lies when having fun.So,if you want to avoid attendees feeling that the meeting is dragging forever stimulate them with jokes or games.