Conceptual versus logistical planning | The Planner

This article courtesy of Helen Brewer from the MICE Academy.

If almost care-free planning of any type of event is to take place – it is wise to follow the step-by-step process – each and every time.

Conceptual planning is the first step before any logistical planning can commence.

The differences between the two are very clear and very different in approach.

  1. Conceptual Planning

Ask the questions:

Why are we undertaking this project?

Who is our target market?

What do we wish to achieve?

How are we going to achieve our goals?

What are the best methods to assess that the goals were indeed achieved?

The questions and indeed answers to the conceptual planning requirements are better known as:

  1. Setting the Objectives
  2. Identifying the Target Audience
  3. Planning the Programme Format together with the Potential Presenter Briefs
  4. Pinpointing the Message Retention Aspects
  5. Selecting & inviting the most Suitable Presenters
  6. Finalising the Programme and Content
  7. Calculating the Best Outcomes Process

Once conceptual planning is underway and the answers are beginning to materialise, the next questions are:

  1. Logistical Planning

What is the best type of venue for an undertaking of this nature?

What and who are the other suppliers and services best suited to enhance or get the message               across?

What are the best methods of registering the targeted delegates?

How do we ensure that all sub-contractors are effectively briefed to monitor that we are all on                 the same page?

How do we manage the outcomes in order to ensure accurate assessment of the goals that                   were set?

The above is known as an Event Specification Guide – and the likelihood of a successful event undertaking are greatly enhanced and the chances of failure are dramatically reduced if it is applied.