Gilan Gork – A Master of Professionalism | The Planner

The main meeting room was packed to capacity  with two large screens, indicating in huge memorable letters plus photo that Gilan Gork – Master Mentalist – would soon be taking to the stage.

Punctuality Personified

A refreshing count-down filled the screens as to the time remaining before the allotted commencement was reached plus a voice-over announcing that there were XX minutes to the advertised start-time.  There was a visible sign of audience contentment that whoever was in charge was indeed in charge and time would not be stolen while we sat in heightened anticipation.

This type of commencement should be considered as standard at all MICE undertakings as the audience are immediately relaxed and in a positive state of expectancy that the programme has been thoroughly planned and thought-through.

This perception dovetailed-in with the title of the presentation:

‘The Six Universal Principles of Influence’

Subliminal Influence

Gilan Gork’s presentation was based on a stimulus or mental process, below the threshold of sensation or consciousness which is perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.  The strap-line being:   The science of influence in relation to sales, marketing, negotiation and leadership.

Mind-bending Intrigue

There were several amazing examples of influence – below are two of the main highlights:

*Dreaming a Dream

Gork recalled a dream he had recently.   The details had been written on a piece of paper. The piece of paper was screwed-up and with his back to the audience – the paper ball was thrown into the audience. The person catching the paper ball was asked to give any date to the audience (23rd May) The paper ball was then thrown randomly at a further individual who provided where they would like to go on holiday (Maldives).  The next person catching the paper ball gave an outlandish method of getting to the Maldives (donkey-cart).

The first person who provided the date was requested to bring the paper ball to the stage and opening the paper ball was asked to read to the audience Gork’s dream.

It read:

*In May I would like to go to the Maldives

*I would wish to get there by donkey cart!

*Nodding Heads

Gork showed a video clip in which he asked individuals in a shopping centre a few questions – some that were outlandish.  He indicated that by nodding ones head when asking questions as well as smiling the chances were the individuals would agreed with the person asking the questions – irrespective as to how improbable the questions were.  The video proved conclusively that negotiating in this manner was indeed effective.

Gilan Gork – known as the Mentalist – proved to be just that as well as highly professional.

The 90 minutes ended with an Influence Cheat Sheet handed-out on departure which covered:

*Reciprocation *Scarcity *Authority *Commitment or Consistency *Liking *Social Proof

A most beneficial time was had by all who attended.   Gilan Gork would prove a perfect MC and presenter for any group.  Highly recommended that you remember his name for any gathering.

Sponsors:              *Venue: Maslow    *Staging: Gearhouse Inhouse

*Helen Brewer from The MICE Academy is an independent contributor and articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of The Planner.