This celebrity cooking duo will certainly spice up your next event. Enter Chris Forrest and Pete Goffe-Wood of Celebrity Masterchef SA.
When the two of them met on the set of Celebrity Masterchef SA, they found that they had a couple of things in common; one of them was the same dry sense of humour, the other was a liking for mouthwateringly delicious food.
After the filming of the series was complete they decided to do the logical thing and combine their respective talents to bring you a hilarious culinary comedy show, the likes of which have never been seen before in SA, which will have you holding your abs from laughter whilst drooling at the amazing cuisine before them.
Perfect for a product launch, treat for guests or just something crazy and out of the norm, this duo will win over your hearts and your stomachs!
To book this duo for your next event contact them by emailing or call 086 111 3958.