Exhibition and event industry unite for Annual Awards | The Planner


The Association of African Exhibition Organisers (AAXO) and the Exhibition and Events Association for Southern Africa (EXSA)are proud to announce a joint awards venture and open first call to the nomination of judges for the inaugural ROAR and flagship EXSA-llence Awards – two industry awards ceremonies under one banner. An industry first, the ROAR Organiser and Exhibitor Awardtogether with the EXSA-llence Awards mutually aim at recognising and promoting excellence within the local exhibition and events, while uniting, the industry.

In an effort to showcase excellence and drive Respect, Opportunities, Achievements and Responsibility (ROAR), AAXO and EXSA will soon be making its first call for the nominations fora panel of independent judges for what promises to be an exciting, industry-wide, award celebration. In an innovative move, this judging process will be facilitated online for the first time ever.

Aimed at promoting the standardisation of the South African exhibition and events industry as well as acknowledging and recognising excellence in exhibition organisation, the ROAR Organiser and Exhibitor Awards together with the EXSA-llenceAwards are open to all AAXO and EXSA members as long as they have been involved in an exhibition or event within 2016.

In line with AAXO’s strong 2016 focus of growth, knowledge sharing and driving standardisation and credibility within the exhibition industry, this event is designed to offer recognition and appreciation to hard working and innovative industry players who continue to raise the bar and contribute to exhibitions’ respected rank as an effective marketing tool. Identifying synergies in focus, EXSA saw it beneficial to unite and join efforts with newly established AAXO as a way of honouring and paying homage to members as a whole.

AllROARentries will be judged by a panel on their successful exhibition strategy incorporating marketing, public relations, operations, activation, social responsibility and sustainability.

All EXSA-llence entries will be judged on their successful incorporation of design, production and manufacture as well as the incorporation of the client’s marketing strategy.

Participating companies may also submit more than one entrant.

While details regarding who the official ROAR/ EXSA-llence judges will be still emerging, it has been confirmed that the panel of judges will consist of distinguished specialists within exhibitions, communication and marketing. Judges will also be selected for their deep expertise in Trade, Consumer, Trade and Consumer, Confex and Table Top.

This prestigious awards event will provide role players who contribute to all aspects in the exhibition and event with a platform to showcase their portfolio of work with ample opportunity to network with like-minded industry players and a broad selection of suppliers, further enabling growth opportunities.

Set to take place on 26 January 2016this much-anticipated event is only the start of what promises to be an eventful era for the South African exhibition industry.

“Traditionally winning a stand award has been all about the stand construction, AAXO aims to change this by ensuring that all ROAR entries will be judged on their successful exhibition strategy incorporating marketing, activation, stand construction and ROI,” explains Carol Weaving, AAXO Chairperson.  “This gives all suppliers, agencies and business enterprises involved in the activation and the build the opportunity to showcase their execution skills and promote their businesses.”

Similarly, PhumulaniHlatshwayo, EXSA General Manager explains: “By collaborating with AAXO, EXSA is able to create a larger platform and pool of opportunities for our members. This ensures that every party within the exhibitions and events value chain will enjoy exposure and recognition for going above and beyond. In turn, we hope that initiatives such as this will encourage the industry to unite and continue to strive for excellence and deliver quality.”

For more information on AAXO or the Exhibition of Exhibitions to take place in October 2016,visit www.aaxo.co.za or contact AnnamariErweeon 011 549 8300 or atadmin@aaxo.co.za.

All membership inquiries, including a full list of membership benefits and information on how to join can be directed tomembers@aaxo.co.za.

For more information on EXSA including a full list of membership benefits and information on how to join visit www.exsa.co.za or contact ThuliNdlovuon 011 805 7272 or at info@exsa.co.za