Thuto Legwale takes the reins at Sun City’s Segaetsho | The Planner

Aligned with its commitment to the advancement of sustainable communities by supporting small and medium enterprise development, Sun International’s flagship resort, Sun City, has partnered with the dynamic Thuto Legwale (29) to reignite and take the reins at Segaetsho Cultural Village. In Setswana, the name means “Our Heritage”, capturing the essence of the centre where visitors can explore the diverse heritage and history of the North West Province.

Legwale has extravagant plans for Segaetsho and plans to make it as one of the greatest attractions at Sun City, the partnership with the resort aims to offer visitors an authentic African experience, with traditional music, crafts and indigenous games.

Sharing the space with Segaetsho, as Legwale has named it, is an activity area that will be run by Mankwe Gametrackers (Tourvest). North West Tourism has also jumped on board to stimulate tourism in the North West with Segaetsho as an activation point. As part of Sun City’s Enterprise Development Programme, Legwale will enjoy support and mentorship from the team at the resort.

“We are thrilled to be working with the new Managing Director of Segaetsho Dynasty, the company behind this cultural experience at Sun City’s Activity Hub,” says Raul de Lima, General Manager of Sun City. “Legwale is passionate about growing his business and about creating memorable, proudly South African experiences for guests that visit Segaetsho.”

Legwale attributes a lot of his success to the FLAME programme he completed through the ASISA (Association for Savings and Investments in South Africa) Foundation and says he was properly equipped for the running Segaetsho due to the help they offered him.

One may wonder why Legwale ended up pursuing the upgrade and exposure of the village as one of Sun City’s great attractions, and his answers are quick and powerful. “I think I had my fair share of hardships,” he tells. “I am from a complex background, but it is not so much where you are from, but rather where you are headed that matters in the end.

I also always encourage people not to head for success alone, but to take the bus or train to success and take as many people as possible along with you.”

Legwale is extremely passionate about youth development in communities and the proof is in the pudding. This ambitious young man owns a non-profit organisation called Ska-Wara (don’t worry) with which Segaetsho will be working with closely.

“It is an innovative, youth-centric development entity,” he tells. “The programmes are designed to target drug addiction, rehabilitating and giving ex-addicts the skills they require to be self-sustainable. These will be run through the Segaetsho-based cultural centre where these youngsters will be making arts and crafts products as well as African corporate gifts which will be bought from them and in turn sold to visitors to the Segaetsho – Cultural Village. “We are also working with a sanitary towels company to provide sanitary towels to girls and women in remote villages in the North West Province.”

Whilst introducing disadvantaged people to opportunities and lending them a helping hand, Legwale has a motivational message for young men and women out there aspiring to follow his example. “Don’t just sit there complaining about your problems, expecting someone else to solve them,” he says seriously.

“Everyone in the world has problems, but stand up and take action. It will not be easy, you will be faced by and stumble upon characters and challenges of different types and magnitudes. You will lose some friends and even family members along the way because they won’t see your vision nor understand why you do what you do, but if you stick to it with consistency and persistency you will make it,” concludes Legwale.

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