New health and safety standards on the horizon for the SA events industry | The Planner

The biggest change to events in the post-COVID-19 landscape will be how health and safety is managed. To this end, the SACIA’s Event Safety Council is developing a COVID-19 prevention and mitigation plan that will protect organisers, staff and visitors attending shows, conferences and exhibitions, as well as patrons, performers and crew working in the theatre and live events industry.

SACIA’s Event Safety Council is developing a COVID-19 prevention and mitigation plan that will protect organisers, staff and visitors attending shows, conferences and exhibitions, as well as patrons, performers and crew working in the theatre and live events industry.

Kevan Jones, the Executive Director of SACIA, explains, “We have established a task group with various stakeholders, which is working with the Event Safety Alliance in the US and other industry associations from around the world to develop international health and safety standards for the events industry.

“We expect these to be finalised by 11 May, after which we will share them with local industry associations through the newly formed umbrella association body, the South African Events Council, in order to introduce local legal frameworks and ensure that it is relevant and practical for all stakeholders. We may also incorporate some of UFI’s framework for the reopening of exhibitions.”

Once this has been done, the document will be circulated to the broader local events industry for comment. This will likely be toward the latter half of May. Please look out for it, and add your comments and feedback to ensure the final result is a standard that everyone is happy to support.

For more about SACIA’s Event Safety Council, including the details of their upcoming webinars, you can follow the group on Facebook HERE.