The grant window for the Green Tourism Incentive Programme is now open | The Planner

Launched in 2017 by the Department of Tourism, the aim of the Green Tourism Incentive Programme (GTIP) is to encourage and support private sector tourism in their quest to adopt sustainably managing and using water and power. It is managed by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) on behalf of the Department.

Qualifying tourism enterprises are able to apply to the GTIP for funding for a resource efficiency audit and, based on the findings, funds for a solution such as solar panels or something similar. Find out more about the programme here, and follow this link to download the brochure on the DTIP.

To date, the programme has already assisted 173 tourism businesses across the country to the tune of almost R105 million.

For the current financial year, the GTIP has set aside approximately R200 million that will be allocated in grants. To date, the programme has already assisted 173 tourism businesses across the country to the tune of almost R105 million.

To find out how this fund has benefited a local tourism business, watch this:



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