Celebrating Taubie Motlhabane | The Planner

Taubie Motlhabane – a seasoned executive with over 29 years of experience in tourism, communications, marketing, stakeholder relations, events and general business management – has become a pivotal figure in the South African business landscape.

With a Masters in Global Marketing from the University of Liverpool (UK) and a BA in Communication from North-West University in South Africa, Taubie’s extensive education background complements her impressive professional journey.

Before taking up the position of CEO at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), she served as the Executive Director of the Tshwane Convention & Visitors Bureau, bringing profound industry insights and leadership to her current role.

Finding purpose and inspiration

When asked what motivates her to get out of bed in the morning, Taubie’s response is deeply rooted in her sense of purpose. “I am living my purpose, making a difference in the lives of South Africans through the work that we do,” she says. Her inspiration comes from her dedicated team at the CTICC, whom she describes as professional, ethical, and passionate. ” They inspire me to want to do more,” she adds.

The CTICC’s mission is to accelerate economic prosperity, opportunity, inclusivity, creativity, and innovation. Knowing that she is part of a value chain that contributes towards a sustainable social impact within society is immensely gratifying for Taubie.

“The CTICC is about business but it is also about fostering empowerment, creating opportunities and contributing in a meaningful way to the lives of the people who work here, live in our city, and our visitors,” she explains. These values are deeply personal to Taubie and fuel her passion. Being part of an ecosystem that makes a tangible difference in people’s lives is what motivates her every day.

A day in the life

Navigating a typical day as the CEO of the CTICC involves balancing the complex operations of the organisation while staying aligned with its vision and strategy. ” Our strategy and alignment to our vision remain top of mind, while I navigate any given day,” Taubie says.

The CTICC is a significant contributor to the economy, recording a total contribution of R5.7 billion to the national economy in the previous financial year, creating nearly 11 000 jobs and generating close to 500 000 additional room nights in Cape Town. The centre’s contribution to household income was recorded as just over R1 billion.

With a team of just over 200 people, the CTICC hosted close to 500 events, with approximately 275 000 visitors for the year. Taubie is committed to ensuring the business’ sustainability and resilience, adapting as required to any environmental forces. Innovation is key to this resilience, and one of the ways the CTICC is innovating is by outsourcing services, thus no longer being limited by physical walls.

“Results are achieved through various teams, and it is important to me that our staff understands our strategy and how their daily tasks contribute towards it,” Taubie explains. She spends a significant amount of time on people quality matters, believing firmly that the key asset of any business is its people.

Collaboration with partners is another priority for Taubie. Interacting with various stakeholder groups across the value chain, from clients to government, allows her to pull insights into the business and ensure it remains nimble and adaptable. This outward-in paradigm also considers neighbours and communities as important stakeholders.

Working with local community partners ensures alignment with the corporate social strategy, which places an emphasis on youth skills development and job creation.

Ultimately, Taubie works with the executive team to create the right internal culture, providing the best possible service offering that aligns with their purpose of accelerating economic prosperity, opportunity, inclusivity, creativity and innovation. ” A typical day is filled with meetings, briefings, tastings, and Zoom calls – all aimed at ensuring alignment with our overarching strategy,” she summarises.

Traits and strengths

Taubie believes her greatest strengths lie in her ability to inspire people and connect with them on a personal level. ” I understand the importance of inspiring people by showing them how they contribute towards the bigger picture,” she says. She describes herself as extremely resilient, with a long-term perspective that helps her focus on overcoming challenges rather than the challenges themselves.

As a CEO, Taubie acknowledges that she doesn’t have all the answers and values the knowledge and insights of the teams around her. This creates a culture of knowledge-sharing. Empathy is another key ingredient in her leadership style, strengthening teams and building successful organisations. Her optimistic outlook helps her navigate tense situations, embodying the belief that “you can do anything you set your mind to”.

Influences and mentors

Reflecting on her career, Taubie credits her mother as her first role model. ” My mother was an inspiration,” she says. As a schoolteacher, Taubie’s mother was passionate about education and instilled the value of independence and generosity in her and her sisters. “She helped us believe that we could achieve our dreams if we remained focused and worked hard,” she recalls.

Professionally, Taubie has been fortunate to have many amazing people cross her path. One significant mentor was Mr Tito Mboweni, previously the Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and prior Minister of Finance. “I learned a lot from him when I worked at the South African Reserve Bank Conference Centre. He helped me understand and appreciate the power of conferences as catalysts for knowledge-sharing and boosting visitor economies,” she explains.

Career highlights

Taubie’s career is marked by numerous highlights. Her role at the CTICC stands out, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. ” My appointment as CEO took effect in January 2020 and two months later, the airport was shut down. The city came to a standstill due to the pandemic,” she recalls. The CTICC became known as a beacon of hope when it was transformed into a hospital, showcasing adaptability and resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Another significant achievement was her involvement with the South African Reserve Bank, where she played an integral role in the conceptualisation, construction, and management of the South African Reserve Bank Conference Centre. Establishing Association Day at Meetings Africa, an educational and networking platform for the African Association Industry, is another proud moment for Taubie.

Handling challenges

Handling unexpected challenges and crises is part of the events industry, and Taubie has learned valuable lessons from her experiences. ” A strong sense of purpose and the ability to focus on outcomes, not challenges, makes all the difference,” she says. Understanding the drivers of challenges leads to the best course of action.

Collaboration is key to success, and Taubie emphasises the importance of building win-win solutions with partners. “It can never be about any single individual – it takes a team to achieve success,” she notes. Quick thinking, adaptability, and effective communication are also crucial ingredients in navigating the complexities of the industry.

Taubie Motlhabane’s journey as a businesswoman is marked by resilience, inspiration, and a deep commitment to making a positive impact. Her ability to connect with people, lead with empathy, and focus on sustainable growth has positioned her as an industry legend. As she continues to drive the CTICC towards greater heights, Taubie’s vision and dedication to her values remain unwavering, ensuring that she not only makes a difference but inspires others to do the same.