New era dawns for Inspirational Places | The Planner

Representation company Inspirational Places (IP) will be changing hands on the 1st of April 2025 when Allie Hunt will hand over the reins to Peter Dros, who is taking over as the new owner.


Peter Dros is widely known in the travel industry with many years of Sales & Marketing experience, most recently having headed up Sales and Marketing at Cheetah Plains for the past three years.  Prior to that, he spent the previous six years as Sales & Marketing Director of Fancourt, the premier golfing resort along the Garden Route. He first started his career at Mala Mala in 1997, armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a National Diploma in Nature Conservation, where he went from Game Ranger and Camp Manager to Sales, serving a total of 11 years with Mala Mala.  Peter also gained invaluable experience working for well-established luxury lodge brand Sanctuary Retreats/Abercrombie & Kent, as well as extensive tour operating experience under the (then) Tourvest, now Sense of Africa brand.



Inspirational Places was founded by Chris Weir in 1997. Allie Hunt took over the ownership in 2008 and successfully grew the portfolio over the past 17 years.

She says: ‘In what is yet another important milestone for Inspirational Places, I am very proud to hand the leadership over to Peter Dros. He is perfectly suited, uniquely experienced and qualified and globally connected to steer the company into an exciting next chapter.

It’s however not easy for me to bid farewell to our loyal members who stood by us and stayed committed to Inspirational Places especially during the very difficult Covid-years. It has been a real pleasure to see our members flourish over the last few years while we successfully grew their local and international trade relations. On a personal level, I am excited to accept the opportunity to join the team of Cape Town Experiences and Escape+Explore on a full-time basis, which brings the benefit of being able to spend more time in my hometown, Cape Town, while immersing myself fully into the business.’

Alison Hunt Tel: 082 950 1558



