6 important things to include in a photography brief | The Planner

64ee0bd7509c7dc31d9597101adbd90a1  EVENT BASICS Date, venue, time.
2  AIM OF THE EVENT What does the client what to achieve. Are the photos delegate keepsakes or will they be used to market the event in future?
3  GUEST LIST From celebrities to CEOs, the photographer needs to know who the important people are that need to be caught on camera.
4  SPECIAL MOMENTS If there is going to be an awards ceremony or someone jumping out of a cake, the photographer needs to know.
5  RUNNING SEQUENCE Give a copy of the event programme to the photographer, so they know when things are going to happen.
6  THE VENUE Is there anything unusual about the venue – is it in an abandoned building or on top of a mountain? If possible, let the photographer go to the venue a few days before in order to get a feel for the place and determine where the best place is to take the photos.

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