Martin HIller | The Planner - Part 24
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Martin HIller

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Shoot those delegates

Photographers need to be able to get the shots that their client wants while still adding their personal touch, writes Theomien Viljoen. Event planners want photographers to capture candid or natural photographs that convey a mood. Long gone are...

Securing sponsorships

There are different types of gatherings that offer sponsorships at various levels with a wide range of benefits, writes Helen Brewer. Be it the annual association’s conference, a public sector gathering initiative or a conference producer’s...

Spruce up your event

Decor, if done correctly, sets the scene, creates the vibe and encourages social engagement. We asked the experts on how to get the right look that will leave a lasting impression on guests. Whether it is a corporate function, fund-raising event,...

Event decor no-nos

When deciding on what décor you want to use to realise your client’s event, remember the following: • Avoid abnormally large items, props and staging. They are expensive to transport and may pose problems when gaining access to the venue or fitting...

Determining the AV you need

When doing your site inspections, the following questions will help you determine the best venue for your next event: • What mood do I want to create for my event? • Is this an outdoor or indoor event? • What type of entertainment am I going...

The perfect AV brief

Michael Collyer, CEO of TechRig Technical Solutions shares the most important elements that should be asked and shared with the AV supplier during briefing. PURPOSE The event name, theme/concept, aims and objectives THE USUAL SUSPECTS Dates, times,...