Flock Eventing Platform presents a useful resource to include in your events with top poll questions for you to consider.
Polls give event managers the opportunity to get inside the minds of their attendees in real time. We consider polls to be one of the most effective ways to gauge feedback and opinions from those who matter most and that is your event attendees. Ultimately, polls give you the opportunity to measure attendee satisfaction which will help you to improve your future events and figure out what’s working and what isn’t.
When delivering virtual events, polls assist in engagement and ensure that your attendees are fully immersed in your event and obtain valuable insights into your content. These tools enable your online database to be part of the event, delivering a two way communication into your event.
To get valuable feedback, you need to ask the right questions at the right time. Luckily, we have compiled a poll questionnaire with some of the most effective questions to ask before, during, and after the event. We even threw in some good old ice breaker poll questions, which we found to be very interactive in the past.
Download our Top Poll Questions to make your attendees pause, think, and react at your next event. Regardless of the questions you ask, remember that the goal of sending poll questions is to receive both positive and constructive feedback to improve your future events.