After almost 25 years of leading Spiritual meetings both locally and internationally, officiating at hundreds of Weddings and Funerals and decades of presenting at corporate level in his Sales and Marketing capacity, Stephen has many hours of public speaking experience. He is well known and appreciated for his incredibly candid and thought provoking messages. For cleverly making one re-evaluate ones beliefs and paradigms in a humorous, gentle questioning manner.
Stephen is respected by many as a Philosopher, Minister, Life Coach, Human Behavior Specialist and Expert on Relationships, Life Skills, concepts of Life & Death and the Meaning of Life. His talks are the product of almost half a century of questioning, studying and researching.
Stephen is a member of the Professional Speakers Association of South Africa (PSASA), Toastmasters International and The Wedding Professionals Association of SA (WPASA)
Stephen was ordained as a minister in the Universal Life Church on 17 November 1996. Having studied many belief systems over many years, he now considers himself to be a true Universalist, after realising that all religions lead to the same God.
Over the years, Stephen has counselled, married, buried and baptised many people as part of his particular lay ministry.
His defining attribute is the length he goes to in personalising each and every occasion, which can be recognised in the many thank you letters he has received.
Marriage Expert