Doing it with panache | The Planner

When it comes to exquisite, creative and stop-in-your-tracks exhibition and event stands, ConCept G Exhibitions and Events is on top of its game.

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The Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘panache’ (noun) means flamboyant, confidence of style or manner and the origins of the word are French and Italian for feather or plume. The word has also been associated with verve, style and flair and action.

To be flamboyant means to be elaborate, ornate, richly coloured and resplendent. It can also be described as intent to be noticed. With respect to architecture, it relates to wavy lines and flame-like forms that were prevalent in 15th and 16th century French Gothic architecture. Architecture, even if in relation to temporary structures, has a strong foothold in the exhibition industry and many influences are taken from architecture in order to achieve good design.

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Some of our current industry trends have contemporary architectural nuances and these aspects are also appearing in the form of themes in certain up-and-coming events. The trends are focused toward the future, leading to evolution in design.

Panache is often explained as a ‘sense of showmanship’ – how else can we aptly describe the exhibition and event industry? There are those distinct few that perform with great panache, leaving a memorable footprint in the industry, those that are eager to explore new trends and take the necessary risks in order to achieve the first and lasting impression, to be noticed. Panache is also described as finesse: impressive delicacy and skill.

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ConCept G Exhibitions and Events has become an established name in the exhibition industry in a relatively short time span. It is known for its dedicated hands-on service, attention to detail and quality, and conveying value and consistency with each project it undertakes. Creativity and imagination are the essence of the company with each brand represented in a contemporary, professional and unique style, adding to the value and reputation of the exhibiting client.

In life, it’s more often than not about the approach. Each project at ConCept G is approached with unparalleled commitment and support, providing proficient hands-on service and advice from the discussion phases through to planning and project management, contributing to the overall event and ensuring successful project realisation. The company expresses innovation and flexibility through its conceptualisation and designs, breathing new life into each project and embracing the full possibilities while showcasing its commitment to business and passion for its product and industry.


When asked what makes for a successful project, Andrew Gibbs, MD, ConCept G Exhibitions and Events says: “Excellent planning leads to successful realisation.”

In many ways our industry is similar to a show, where planning and preparation is crucial to a professional and riveting outcome. The exhibition stand is the ‘stage set’; the crew that put the structure together are the ‘stage hands’, with the appointed ‘stage manager’ overseeing the preparation, procedures and finished product from cradle to grave.

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The exhibitor is the actor and once the curtain is raised the show must go on and all the dedicated and hands-on attention to detail makes an impactful ‘stage set’ for the audience to enjoy and appreciate. Therein lies the reward and this is the very essence that sustains us and draws us into the industry where we continue striving for the best ‘show’.

The challenges are vast and we love what we do with a passion that’s indescribable. The industry runs through our veins – it’s said that if you don’t feel this, then the industry isn’t for you.

With all this passion and commitment, ConCept G has and continues to expand, keeping up with the increasing demands and event complexities of an industry that’s constantly evolving. Kya Sand remains the heart of ConCept G, with new and larger premises that provide the required increased space for more effective operations, ensuring continued successful project realisation. Unequivocal commitment and quality is paramount to the name that is ConCept G.
Furthermore, the acquisition of the expanded premises not only allows for an increased base for operations, but also the opportunity for job creation – calling dedicated ‘stage hands’ to action.

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We’re extremely proud to announce the appointment of our new design manager, who is well known in the industry and unchallenged in skill and creativity. Her innovation and attention to detail is impeccable and distinguishes her from the rest, ensuring a perfect fit in her new home and family at ConCept G. This appointment increases our potential and valuable opportunities to showcase fresh, forward-thinking and a unique approach with regards to image and branding aspects of design excellence, realising contemporary and invigorating concepts.

Just doing it… with panache.