Expos are the best marketing tool | The Planner

For sheer effectiveness in converting leads to sales, exhibitions take the lead against other forms of marketing, according to recent research conducted by US-based Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR). This, says Gary Corin, MD of Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, organisers of Hostex Joburg and Hostex Cape, also holds true in South Africa, according to informal feedback from visitors and exhibitors at its major expos.

“Exhibitions are finding a strong niche in marketing budgets because of the quantifiable and invariably impressive returns they offer exhibitors. CEIR’s global research also shows that 58% of visitors attend exhibitions for the hands-on interaction with the products, while 51% of exhibitors choose exhibitions because of the face-to-face interaction. Exhibitions are the ideal platform for interaction, enabling in-depth discussions in generally informal settings. Research shows that the majority of visitors to an exhibition arrive with an agenda, making personal contact that much more valuable,” adds Corin.

The CEIR research also states that 87% of exhibition attendees say they will share information obtained at exhibitions with their immediate superiors, and that 48% of exhibition leads don’t require a sales call to close the deal – thus bringing down costs significantly. According to CEIR, exhibition leads cost 56% less to close than field sales calls.

Corin says that next year’s Hostex – to be held at Sandton Convention Centre in March – is leveraging the recognised benefits of exhibitions to both exhibitors and visitors by ensuring the platform for interaction is as comfortable and user-friendly as possible, with added value for all participants at the exhibition.

“Hostex has a 27-year history because it has always strived to provide the ideal landscape for the culinary and hospitality industry to show itself in its true colours – and we are continuing to build on the strong reputation we have established.”

Nicholas Sarnadas, Food & Hospitality Event Director of Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, says that in the last Hostex to be held in Gauteng, in 2013, new elements were added and existing ones were upgraded, “and the result was an unprecedented success for both exhibitors and visitors alike.” He says this trend is continuing in 2015, with fresh new ideas to keep its loyal exhibitors, visitors, and competitors in the various culinary competitions “as impressed as ever”.

The fact is that exhibitions accomplish a lot. The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, UFI (Union of International Fairs), says, “Studies have shown that exhibitions are among the top three most powerful and cost effective forms of marketing. Among today’s vast range of communication tools, no other media generates more sales leads than exhibitions. By engaging with your buyers using all five senses, exhibitions can transform your business locally and internationally.”

Corin agrees. “Exhibitions bring entire markets into one venue for a few days of the year – or some specific period. There is no other media option that can compete at this level. Worldwide, experience shows that business-to-business exhibitions and trade fairs are the preferred platform for engagement, hosting, and promotion by some of the world’s biggest brands – promoting face-to-face marketing while building a company’s brand and service offering in a live environment.”

Hostex will again be featuring the popular visitor attractions of the Global Pizza Challenge, the Barista Championship hosted by the Speciality Coffee Association of Southern Africa, a handful of celebrity chefs and members of the Culinary Team South Africa at the SA Chefs Village, as well as the highly successful Host-ED free-to-attend seminar, which promises to offer a powerful line-up of hot topics by leading industry experts.

“We anticipate that Hostex 2015 will have more than 200 exhibitors making the most of this excellent opportunity to brand build in a relevant environment, host and engage with existing clients, and sell directly to serious buyers – from among the close on 10 000 visitors we believe we can draw to the show,” says Sarnadas.

Hostex 2015 takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre from 15 – 18 March. For more information visit www.hostex.co.za