Event industry welcomes dynamic and credible new voice for exhibition organisers | The Planner

In order to initiate a more successful relationship between exhibitors and exhibition organisers, a credible governing body is required. In response to this need, the Association of African Exhibition Organisers (AAXO) was launched.

Who are they?
AAXO is an industry pioneer, with a proactive approach towards promoting and serving the exhibitions industry. With a clear understanding of the needs of exhibition organisers and the specific challenges which they face, AAXO is able to provide leadership, governance and guidance. With its finger on the pulse of the constant changes in the profession, AAXO is able to anticipate the needs of its members, and take dynamic steps to tackle those requirements head on.

How did it happen?
AAXO was formed through a collaboration between some the largest, most successful and experienced event organisers across a range of trade, consumer and conference driven exhibitions in Southern Africa, namely Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery, MMI South Africa, Hypenica, Thebe Reed Exhibitions, Spintelligent, Terrapinn, The Wedding Group, and Exposure Marketing, to name a few. AAXO has already engaged with a number of stakeholders, and the association is rapidly gaining traction.

Their aim
AAXO has an action-oriented approach, which will be directed towards alleviating the pressures that exhibition organisers face. It has taken the initiative and identified a number of areas where it can add value. Firstly, AAXO will assist in regulating the industry and hold exhibition organisers to a code of conduct to ensure increased transparency and better governance. AAXO will also promote the implementation of industry best practices.

Another critical function is AAXO’s role as mediator which will give exhibitors an avenue of recourse if a dispute should arise, while assisting exhibition organisers with finding a sensitive and practical solution. This intermediary function and the AAXO code of conduct reassures potential exhibitors of the quality and reliability of an exhibition. This is essential in order to promote a productive and thriving exhibition industry.

Another crucial role for AAXO is to represent exhibition organisers and their best interests, as well as add value for exhibitors. A significant portion of the support and assistance AAXO will provide for its members relates to relationship building with current and potential exhibitors. AAXO will also give members access to material which can be passed on to their exhibitors, such as guidelines and tips, and will even be arranging training workshops and roadshows designed specifically for exhibitors. This will ensure smoother relations between exhibitors and exhibition organisers.

Finally, AAXO will help to promote the industry and encourage its growth by commissioning market research and related projects that provide a strong rationale for people to invest and participate in exhibitions.