‘What Rubbish!' declares EGF for you to attend | The Planner

The MICE industry needs to seriously gear up wherever possible for the ‘green revolution.’

One only has to view the plastic waste in our oceans and the heavy reductions in the fish population as well as the waste carnage from MICE gatherings to realise that all MICE sectors are major culprits of high carbon footprints. Hence before stern finger-pointing at MICE become open knowledge – let’s make every attempt to get our act together.

The Event Greening Forum works hard to ensure all industry individuals are informed and equipped to be seen to ‘do the right thing’.

A golden opportunity for all MICE individuals will take place on Thursday 22 October at Hackle Brooke Conference Centre –  in ensuring event décor is green compliant by providing practical examples from Nicholas de Klerk of Design + Display to guide you through a few hours of highly valuable information.

Email lynn@eventgreening.co.za to book your seat.