If you are considering getting a diploma or certificate in event management, make sure to choose a degree or diploma in marketing or public relations, both of which will give you a solid grounding to prepare you for your career in events.
- Damelin offers a one-year Certificate in Conference, Exhibition and Event Management at campuses throughout the country.
- Intec College has a one-year home-study Certificate in Events Coordination.
- If you are interested in something more in-depth, consider the University of Johannesburg’s three-year National Diploma in Hospitality Management, which offers Event Management as an elective in year three.
- One of the most exciting new courses available is the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s three-year National Diploma in Event Management.
- UCT in Cape Town also offers an Event Management degree
You may also consider working to achieve certification. In June 2008 the South African Qualifications authority (SAQA) registered two professional designations for marketers:
National Certificate – Chartered Marketing (Level 7), known as Chartered Marketer (SA)
National Certificate – Marketing Practice (Level 5), known as Marketing Practitioner (SA) – which allows individuals who are assessed as competent against the outcomes specified in each designation to put CM (SA) or MP (SA) after their name.
Bothare fully recognised by the European Marketing Confederation (EMC), giving international recognition across Europe, with Australia to follow. Services SETA, as the lead professional body for marketers, they have arranged the development of processes through which this professional status can be conferred on individuals who can provide evidence of competence.