7 creative event branding ideas | The Planner

Flags outside the venue and banners at the entrance are event branding staples which work well. However, this is also why they are used so often. If you want to be a little different and set your brand apart, why not try some of these ideas?

  1. Brand your biggest asset – your staff

Your staff are your brand ambassadors so why not dress them in branded gear? This doesn’t mean simply sticking a logo on an item of clothing. Rather you need to think about the style of clothing, the colours and what design elements, tagline or attitude you want them to convey. And it doesn’t have to be expensive. A simple t-shirt with the right message can be powerful.

  1. Have a wow-factor piece

Every event needs at least one attention-grabbing feature that draws everyone to it (and gets them taking photos that will, hopefully, find their way onto social media). This could be as simple as an amazing view or as elaborate as an ice sculpture. Regardless of what you decide on, you want it to relate to your brand. This should be both in terms of what it says about your brand as well as more literally incorporating your brand into it (such as your brand colours and/or logo).

  1. Put your money where your mouth is…

…and serve delicious edibles with your logo on them. Everyone is going to notice this one because everyone is going to eat something. Beverages like coffee or tea can also be served in branded cups, and are a great way to make sure your logo and message gets circulated throughout your event without you having to lift a finger!

  1. Use all the space available

Your logo can be incorporated into almost any aspect of your event, from branded carpets to light projections on the wall (which can move to really get attention). While you’re using a venue’s space you might as well really use it!

  1. Personalised gifts

Branded merchandise and swag bags always go down well. However, instead of putting your logo on gifts why not be a little different and personalise them with your attendees’ names? One company printed their guests’ names on mugs with each person’s preference on how they take their coffee or tea. This makes the gift so much more special. It also goes a long way to elevating your event’s image to one that is focused on its attendees.

  1. Hashtags

Chances are you will be using social media for your event. (If not, you should be!) So the next step is to create an event hashtag that is short and easy to understand, and which should be used for all of your event coverage. Remember, you want your attendees to use your hashtag to maximise your audience reach so communicate it to them clearly. Get inspired and find a fun way to do this. For example, you could use moss graffiti to spell out the hashtag on a wall for a ‘green’ event, or have a photo booth with props that allows guests to upload their photos directly to social media with the hashtag already included.

  1. Don’t forget to brand beyond the event

This is just a reminder to keep your brand alive before and after the event, whether through digital marketing, street posters, car branding or something else entirely.