Green Event Certification labels can now register with the EGF | The Planner

Certification is one of the most effective ways to prove an event was sustainably managed, but up until now South Africa did not have a system in place to assess these labels and ensure they met a prescribed minimum standard. This is about to change.

Greg McManus, Chairperson of the Event Greening Forum (EGF) NPO, says, “The EGF has developed a framework of certification standards against which interested organisations and specialists can apply to have their own event certification labels evaluated and recognised by the EGF.”

Doing this will ensure all EGF endorsed certification labels meet a clear set of minimum requirements, which will ultimately help the events industry establish higher standards of sustainability and greater consistency.

Anyone who would like to find out more about this programme, and potentially register their certification label with the EGF, is invited to attend the upcoming launch event. The details are as follows:

Date: Monday, 24 February 2020
Time: 08:30 to 09:30
Place: Committee Room 2, Sandton Convention Centre, Gauteng
Cost: Free, but RSVPs are essential

The EGF has added that it will not be creating its own certification label, nor will it be providing certification, but is rather relying on independent bodies to do both.