SATSA's competition to promote #FreeToBeSouthAfrica | The Planner

SATSA, the Southern Africa Tourism Services Association and the voice of the inbound tourism industry, has launched its new #freetobeSouthAfrica competition on Instagram.

The competition is aimed at raising the profile of SATSA’s #freetobeSouthAfrica campaign, which was launched in 2022 to rally South Africa’s tourism industry behind one strong message.

Both locals and international guests visiting South Africa can take part. Simply share photos and videos you have taken in South Africa on Instagram, and which reflect our beautiful country as one that is open, free and fun. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #freetobeSouthAfrica and tag the SATSA Instagram account (@SATSA_official). Entries can be posts or stories.

“We have a culture of openness, warmth and acceptance; our destination is a treasure trove of open-air, outdoor and adventure experiences; and we’re fun-loving and welcoming.”

A range of incredible travel prizes are on offer throughout the 10-day campaign, such as a one-night stay at Safari Plains, high tea for 2 guests at The Oyster Box, and a two-night stay at the Table Bay Hotel.

SATSA says: “South Africa has one of the world’s most progressive constitutions allowing its people freedoms that aren’t enjoyed elsewhere in the world. We have a culture of openness, warmth and acceptance; our destination is a treasure trove of open-air, outdoor and adventure experiences; and we’re fun-loving and welcoming. The competition seeks to recognise those who want to share it with the world.”

For more information about the competition, visit

Terms and conditions apply. Competition runs 16-26 January 2023.