Justin Cohen: The Power of Story | The Planner

Justin Cohen, part of the Unique Speaker Bureau (USB), is one of the greatest story tellers around. Stories are a fabulous way to to bring corporate values alive.

In most organisations values are forgotten almost as soon as they’re created, even if they’re remembered they seldom change behavior. When staff tell stories about how they or colleagues they’ve witnessed have lived those values, people see how they themselves can put them into action.

You can radically increase the return on your conference investment by using the power of stories. Research shows that stories are significantly more likely to be remembered and acted on than abstract facts. They’re also entertaining, engaging even the most attention deficit audiences.

Every day in every organisation there are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Most of these “every day heroes” go unnoticed. When you tell these stories not only are you recognizing excellence, you are linking that recognition to a specific behavior, ensuring that it happens again.