How to behave professionally in a meeting | The Planner

Those who have had to sit through a long business meeting should understand the value of professional behavior.

Is it acceptable to eat during a meeting, texting, holding side conversations or not paying attention at all? To get a better idea here are tips of how to maintain a positive, professional image while in a meeting.

1. Be on time
Showing up on time is mandatory .Make sure you come on time and prepare for the meeting ahead of time.

2. Preparation
Prepare for meetings so you don’t waste people’s time; read materials and agendas so other attendees don’t have to wait for you to get up to speed. Organize and set aside all information needed for this meeting. Make sure you include a pad and pen.

3. Technology
The impact of social media is increasing.Turn your cellphone off the meeting. You always want to be relaxed and prepared when the meeting begins, not in a rush because you just rushed in.

4. Do not have your phone out
A lot of people keep their phones on the table during meetings, Do not do this. Even if you are not looking at your phone, it can get distracting if it starts lighting up or making noises.

5. Stay focused on the meeting
It’s easy to get distracted, but your job is to stay attentive to the flow of the agenda and discussions. You never know when you may be called upon for your thoughts.

6. Ground rules
Understand the rules so that you can have a productive meeting.

7. Sit appropriately
If it’s a sit-down meeting, you need to adjust your chair so that you are at equal height with everyone else at the table. Some people do not  adjust their chairs so they end up being the little kid in the meeting.

8. Speak up
When people speak in meetings they need to speak loudly enough so that everyone hears what they are saying.

9. Keep your cool
Do not take things personally or find offence to comments. Remain calm, never raise your voice, always speak in a professional, low and even manner of voice and tone.

10. Do not save all your questions for the end
Ask your questions at the appropriate time. Do not be the person who starts asking questions and adding stuff that does not need to be added when everyone is getting ready to go.