What happens at the event does not stay at the event | The Planner

Conference flings, broken chandeliers and twerkingMiss Meet has seen it all. Heed her warning; what happens at the event does not stay at the event.

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is a saying that has evolved from, “What happens on tour, stays on tour” a phrase used among travelling sports teams in the 1970s, implying that a different code of ethics applies while travelling, especially with regard to sexual and rowdy behaviour.

It quickly became associated with Las Vegas, a city famous for partying, debauchery, alcoholism, infidelity and gambling. All taboos that many people don’t want to be accountable for further down the road.

Many attendees of office parties and conferences seem to believe that this phrase is their saving grace.  Because everything ‘stays on tour’, many believe that they need not display any boundaries when it comes to drinking, amorous cuddles and wild behaviour during these events.

Of course, a lot money can be saved by companies if employees could only be transparent about their planned shenanigans ‘on tour’ to us, the event managers.

So, if you’re planning a little conference fling please let us know.  We will happily cut down on the number of single rooms and pre-booked sharing rooms.

Should excessive drinking be your thing, we will happily oblige with a number of compulsory fine sessions prior to opening the full bar.  Some really cheap shooters with high alcohol content doing the rounds will assist in quickly debilitating those planning to demolish both the company name and the company master account.  Also, you may even thank us in the morning, we may actually be saving you from that office fling, because we can ensure that you will be in no state to chat anyone up.

And if you’re planning on taking Miley Cyrus’ latest hit Wrecking Ball to heart please inform us. A Greek themed party with the traditional breaking of the plates is much cheaper than replacing expensive venue ornaments, crockery and furniture.

Jokes aside, even though it is commonly accepted that ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’, more often than not, Vegas comes back to haunt us.

The wild office-party employee may appear to be very popular at the office party with many hangers-on, but their fans are usually few and far between when they return to the office on Monday.  On return to the real world, employees prefer to align themselves to the professional and well-respected employee rather than to the employee who is busy scrapping their name and reputation.

And remember that unlike furniture, crockery, cutlery and chandeliers that can be repaired and replaced, the tainted reputation remains in tatters for a pretty long time.