Holiday Inn Sandton specials | The Planner

On the roof of the Holiday Inn Sandton, there is the Skye Bar and swimming pool, where guests recline on an outdoor deck overlooking Sandton. The dining area on the ground floor takes care of our guests’ culinary requirements, and also gives them the opportunity to catch up with the day’s news on LCD televisions with overhead bubbles that transmit sound directly to their tables.

  • Special One:
    Indulge at the Chairman’s Bar: Spoil yourself with one of Holiday Inn Sandton’s hot beverages and compliment it with your choice of a freshly baked treat Cost: R40
  • Special Two:
    March Cocktail of the Month: Green Star. Enjoy this cocktail in our Skye Bar at 50% discount

    • Make it yourself
      Method: Prepare in shaker, Glass: Cocktail
      All in shaker: 1/2 shaker of ice, 1 tot Bacardi,
      2 tots Lemonade, 1 tot orange juice, 1 tot Lime Cordial
      1. Shake all ingredients together and top with ice

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