SAACI meets the Minister of Tourism | The Planner

The Southern African Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI) has reported that, after several months working closely in partnership with the SA Events Council and lobbying Government, a meeting was held with the Minister of Tourism, South African Tourism and the South African National Convention Bureau, to discuss the recommencement of business events and exhibitions.

At the meeting, SAACI raised the need for the following objectives to be met:

  • Support for the Events Safety Re-Opening Guidelines
  • An increase in the capacity for organised gatherings from 50 pax to 50% floor capacity
  • Work with the commercial banks to ease their requirements in financial aid for business event companies.

A follow-up meeting is scheduled in the coming week.

SAACI also noted its thanks to its member for their patience, resilience and support during these challenging times: “We look forward to working together, with one voice, as we look towards the next stage of our recovery.”