Sun International’s COVID-19 risk management strategy wins award | The Planner
Sheena O’Brien, Sun International Health and Safety Specialist

The Institute of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) acknowledged the calibre of the Sun International group’s COVID-19 risk management strategy at their recent awards, in the category of Tourism, Hospitality & Gaming industry, while also awarding Sun International Health and Safety Specialist Sheena O’Brien a runner up award in the category Risk Specialist of the Year.

The hospitality and leisure group was commended for its swift response to the global health crisis, which began prior to the State of National Disaster being declared. This included forming a Crisis Task Team with senior executives, and a Risk Committee who met regularly to review and update their response to the pandemic. A comprehensive Covid-19 Policy and Health plan was also developed and published on the company’s website.

The hospitality and leisure group was commended for its swift response to the global health crisis, which began prior to the State of National Disaster being declared.

“From the outset, our priority was to protect our guests and our staff. We closely monitored the advice from local and international health organisations and experts, and ensured that we followed best-practice for the industry. We are extremely proud to receive this award as it recognises the weeks and months of research and hard work that went into making our properties safe,” said Graham Wood, COO of Hospitality at Sun International.

“Sheena and her team deserve their accolades. The team’s efforts positioned us as an industry leader in Gaming and Hospitality. They took expert advice and translated into practical action, and it was thanks to the protocols they put in place that government allowed our casinos to reopen as early as July, followed six weeks later by our hotels.“