Design is an integral part of marketing | The Planner

In the wise words of Von R. Glitschka, “marketing without design is lifeless, and design without marketing is mute”.

This year’s Markex was attended by big corporates and small enterprises alike. What we found most encouraging was the excitement of the small enterprises at the prospect of one day exhibiting at a show like Markex. This shows that business people, and marketers in general, recognise the power of using an exhibition as a platform to market ones goods and services. We would like to thank each person who visited our stand this year; we thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with potential (and some existing) clients and suppliers.

Design, as always, was a strong feature amongst a majority of stands this year. The use of raw woods coupled with contemporary features made this Markex a feast for the eyes whilst remaining environmentally responsible. Around each corner, there was something to grab, and hold, a visitors attention. In keeping with this trend, we at The Exhibitionist re-used our stand from Meetings Africa 2014, with the addition of a photograph wall showcasing our online marketing campaign for the Markex show.

Once again, we received numerous compliments and enquiries about our stand, which proved that design is an integral part of marketing. Making a statement through your exhibition stand is the perfect way to promote your business, whether it be a listed corporate or a one-man start-up.

While Markex is certainly the show in terms of marketing, each and every exhibition or congress throughout any given year is, essentially, the opportunity to market your products and services to your target market. Whether it be a medical congress, a car show, or even a mall activation, your exhibition platform should speak for you and your brand. The design should clearly market both your company and what has to offer.

The next time you decide to exhibit, contact The Exhibitionist. We firmly believe that marketing and design go hand-in-hand, allowing your designed stand to market for you. Allow us to intrigue, inspire and ignite your brand.