Inbound organisers should take special note of the latest international contractual complexities. Crisis and risk are high on the agenda when it comes to inbound contractual event agreements.
The litigious Americans – although South Africans are catching-up fast in further enrichment of the legal profession – have raised the question of Ebola and the latent risks thereof.
Glancing through the statement of a high-powered event-savvy USA-based attorney – it appears if issues such as Ebola or other ‘circumstances’’ which could prompt a delegate to cancel – the inbound event organiser could be liable for a whole host of compensation to the affected party..
Especially note-worthy is that if a specific risk is not within the contract – by default – the event organiser is liable.
Of course it is likely the majority of South African inbound companies have ‘covered their backs’.
However if the actual statement is required, email the Academy on with the request to receive a copy