The value of hearty, homemade dishes | The Planner

JocelynExecutive chef Jocelyn Myers-Adams’s culinary talents, which stem from a rich family history, add a wholesome quality to the cuisine at the Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town.

Describe yourself in three words
Nurturer, leader, artist.

What are some of the current trends in the food and beverage industry?
People are taking a more holistic approach to dining and entertainment. They have lifestyles that incorporate healthy eating and the demand of such lifestyles dictates that there are healthy, well-balanced, and creative choices. The trends show fresh flavours that are simple, wholesome, and offer interesting combinations.

What is your number one catering tip?
Always consider the dietary requirements of your guests.

What is your favourite kitchen equipment or gadget?
I love my matte grey granite KitchenAid mixer. My dad disassembled it and brought it over in a suitcase. It weighs a tonne, so it is a good thing he packs light.

What is your favourite food memory?
Making waffles at our family cottage. We had an old waffle iron and it seemed to take an eternity to make enough waffles for the six of us. We used my grandmother’s waffle recipe and it was amazing – light and crisp. We would finally all sit down together and eat them with cream from the top of our own milk and maple syrup from our neighbour’s farm. Absolutely divine!

What is your favourite dish to make?
My grandmother’s buttermilk and oat pancakes (crumpets); my girls absolutely love them and they like to ‘help’.

What is your funniest kitchen incident?
We had a dinner for 120 guests and one of our chefs went to chat to a guest and noticed that the menu on the tables was different to the one we had prepared. We worked together, pulled off the changes and, luckily, the protein component was the same. We were tense at first but we all ended the evening laughing and we certainly laugh about it when we talk about it now.

For the full interview published in the July/August edition of Meetings, subscribe here.