Embracing the potential of smaller spaces: CSIR ICC raises the bar | The Planner

The coming months are renowned for year-end functions and as the time set apart by companies for strategic planning. Deadlines, project deliverables and the imminent festive period all add to decision-makers’ already full plates and venue choices are arduous. Often the potential of smaller venue spaces are misjudged as the frenzy for bigger spaces commences.

While the CSIR International Convention Centre (ICC) caters for both large and small events, it has recently taken things up a notch with its smaller venues.

The CSIR ICC’s luxurious VIP suite combines business functionality with comfort and offers a private restroom with a shower, a lounge with contemporary décor, boardroom and an office. The suite is strategically located to offer a private entrance away from the rush of other events. This venue is perfect for executive strategic sessions for up to 5 persons as these often require exclusivity, a tranquil setting, indispensable technology assistance and seamless overall service.

“We have taken the liberty of including essentials such as a dedicated butler and waitron as an added value service. Our in-house technicians are also always available for technical support,” explains Emily Naidoo, CSIR ICC sales manager of new business.

Similarly popular are the top floor venues at the CSIR ICC that are complemented by a view over Pretoria. These rooms, aptly named after precious stones Crystal, Garnet and Onyx, serve as either three separate spaces or as one bigger space. An added advantage of hosting an event or meeting in this wing of the CSIR ICC is the private outdoor dining space surrounded by the convention centre’s soothing setting – perfect for bird watching enthusiasts seeking a quick reprieve from business talk.

“As the rush for convenient meeting or event spaces starts, we would like to take the pressure off decision-makers by also providing smaller spaces that offer the best in terms of business, comfort and scenery,” concludes Naidoo.