Universal Health Care Steals Show | The Planner

download (1)A rocket designed and built by 3D Cape for Universal Healthcare was one of the most popular attractions at the Board of Healthcare Funders conference held in Cape Town. The striking colours, originality and sheer scale of the rocket drew many admiring glances and ensured that no visitor could possibly miss the Universal Healthcare exhibition stand.

3D Cape is a major supplier to the exhibition industry in the Western Cape and one which has quadrupled in size in just four years. This year, for the first time, it helped world-class exhibition Design Indaba raise the bar with a never-seen-in-SA-before floor plan. The layout, which had a triangular footprint as opposed to the run-of-the-mill 90° grid, lent the exhibition a ‘designed’ look and opened up the space to enhance both exhibitor and visitor experience.