Sixteen business travel hacks you need to know right now | The Planner

Insider tips from the experts at Corporate Traveller on how to make business travel so, so much easier

Corporate Traveller, South Africa’s premier business travel service consultant and provider, brings you its top hacks for making travelling even .

1: To the left
When queuing at security checkpoints and check-in gates, turn left and you’ll find yourself in the shortest queue.

2: Bumpy ride
If you’re frightened of turbulence, choose a morning flight. Choose a seat over the aircraft’s wings to minimise the impact of turbulence.

3: Be upstanding
When packing, put the heaviest items at the bottom. Problem solved.

4: In the bag
Do you travel to the same city time and time again? And stay in the same motel or BnB time and time again? Ask management if you can leave behind a small bag containing necessities for your next visit.

5: Oh, the jetlag!
Here are a few great tips: steer clear of alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before your trip. Stay well hydrated on the plane by reaching for water. Choose a seat on the non-sunny side to make sleeping easier.

6: Expense savvy
Stash an envelope in your carry pack and use it for keeping all your receipts in one place.

7: Dirty laundry
Take along a few empty plastic shopping bags for dirty laundry so that your clean clothes stay clean and smelling fresh on the homeward trip.

8: Don’t do it yourself
Using a central point of contact saves you time and takes the hassle out faffing around organising your own flights, accommodation and so on. Get in touch with Corporate Traveller to find out more.

9: Soft copy
Email all-important documentation to yourself before you leave home. This way you will always have access to digital copies of important documents, no matter where in the world you are.

10: Stick up
Stick “FRAGILE” stickers on your baggage so it’s handled with care by baggage handlers. Do this even if there’s nothing fragile in your bag.

11: Coin it
Always carry enough cash on you for miscellaneous expenses: taxi rides, snacks and gratuities, for example.

12: Midweek crowd break
Wednesday is the best day to fly if you want to avoid the crowds. The busiest time for flights is Thursday through Monday.

13: Early bird
If you hate being delayed, try to get onto an early flight.

14: Coming and going
Avoid the crowds at arrivals and head off to departures, where taxis are dropping people off at the airport.

15: Charge it
Carry a battery pack in your hand luggage for your phone, tablet and other devices so you arrive at your destination fully charged and connected.

16: Same old, same old saves money
Using the same airlines, hotel chains and car hire companies for your business travel incentivizes them to offer you discounted rates, loyalty miles and other extras. Be in touch with Corporate Traveller to find out more.
